
Confidence in Movement
(For Pets and People, too!)

The Virtual Biomechanical Consultation by EmpowerPhysioSport is a series of one-on-one, interactive coaching sessions that help you to correct inefficient, compensatory movement strategies which might be a result of past injury or, potentially, which can be responsible for future injury. This service is specific to movements required in the performance of sports by human and animal athletes, especially runners and agility athletes, but is appropriate for any person or pet with movement challenges. Correction of faulty biomechanics is the key to safe return to sport and more efficient, balanced, and more confident movement.

In the Virtual Biomechanical Consultation, EmpowerPhysio:

  • reviews past medical and movement history

  • consults with you and considers your specific movement-focused challenges and goals

  • critically analyzes joint and whole-body range of motion, posture, cadence, impact, and motor control through slow-motion video

  • prescribes a progressive corrective exercise program 

  • delivers an individualized report to you and your mobility team (if desired)

  • maintains communication and connection for an ongoing mobility coaching relationship